

I write books and love it. I now have TEN new books for 2024

Forged by Fire book



FORGED BY FIRE: Post COVID-19 African Healthcare and Sovereign Development - We have witnessed a disruptive new world history during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic declaration and its aftermath. Those surreptitious forces we have long suspected of having plans to dominate our lives and target us for exploitation toward their selfish profiteering have become more prominent.

The uber-rich billionaire class has used this time to extend their grip over national economies and has made more profits at the fastest rate ever while many middle-class families are being crushed.

This book, FORGED BY FIRE, aims to articulate an alternative futurist pathway leading to sustainable AND sovereign development for our Motherland continent and the global African Diaspora. We can do this! Click add to cart to get the paperback.

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The Art of the Book Hustle  

THE ART OF THE BOOK HUSTLE: No Shame, Just Gain - May my words, meditations, and articulations assist you to rise to your highest potential. I do my best to represent this intergenerational tradition of excellence in all areas of humanity. When I put these traditions into books coherently and inspiringly, I feel that I am doing my part for this generation to preserve all that is good. Through the methodologies shared in this book, independent writers and publishers can advance how our literary artistry is distributed. The more people synchronize their empowering intentions, the more we can measure progress for the individuals and the group. With this book, I seek to inform, inspire and excite greater opportunities for us all to rise to the heights of sustainable accomplishment. (CRP-ABH-1) $14.99

Click here for the discounted eBook $6.99

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Global Wellness Future  

THE GLOBAL WELLNESS FUTURE: Let's Spark a Village - As has been projected within this book, today the global health and wellness market is estimated at slightly over $5 trillion in annual GDP. Economic analysts have projected it to grow to as much as $7 trillion by 2027. As we are now halfway through 2023, this leads us to calculate that we will witness the appearance of $2 trillion in new dollars of economic activity within this rapidly expanding sector of the global economy. This book is a treasure map. Used it promptly and wisely.

For me, there is one very important question that arises with this understanding. If we KNOW where $2 trillion of new economic activity is going to show up, and can confirm this some 3 ˝ years in advance, how much of that massive expansion do we PLAN to capture with our strategic programs? (CRP-GWF)

Let’s Spark a Village and prosper by doing for ourselves.

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Miracle on Two Feet  

MIRACLE ON TWO FEET: Stroke Prevention and Recovery - Stroke is the second leading disease killer in the world. This book is intended to clearly identify the broad set of conditions that raise the risk of strokes and to lessen the chance that you will become injured. The parallel theme herein is to bring light to all possibilities of reversing any lingering impact should such an incident occur.

This book is intended to clearly identify the broad set of conditions that raise the risk of strokes and to lessen the chance that you will become injured. The parallel theme herein is to bring light to all possibilities of reversing any lingering impact should such an incident occur. (CRP-M2Ft)

Get the book on Amazon, paperback or Kindle

Click here for the discounted instant download of Miracle On Two Feet, includes a bonus audio.

Living Superfood LIFE book


LIVING SUPERFOOD LIFE: To Da Maaax! - We have laid out many insights and powerful ideas throughout this book. This Living Superfood lifestyle and nutrition regimen represents a paradigm shift in the life of the individual that will master these instructions and protocols. We are living in a very important era in the evolution of our civilization. To counter degenerating health, we are best to set and achieve our wellness goals with all determination. The future belongs to those best prepared to create that future today. (LSLife-1) $24.99

We have often heard it stated that “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” To counter that we are firm to set our goals and achieve our goals with all determination. A statement that I frequently use is: “The future belongs to those best prepared to create that future today.”

It’s true that Food is Nature’s Most Perfect Medicine. Take that one to the bank!

Click here to get Living Superfood LIFE discounted in eBook, instant download

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100+ Lifespan  

100+ LIFESPAN: Strategies to Increase Healthy Life Expectancy - This subject has been a fascinating study over the four decades since I worked in a biosciences laboratory. Within this book, I have assembled the most comprehensive list ever published of longevity insights and strategies. I hope many people will take these easily-comprehensible suggestions to heart and use these insights to form new lifelong habits. This change will transform our lives and impact our larger circle of loved ones who need us to be models of graceful aging. (CRP100-Plus)

I often say, "Old habits die hard, but new habits form quickly." Healthy longevity is good for the wise and vital sage, their family and friends, community, and practical life affairs. This journey begins when you convince yourself that you deserve to manifest 100+ years of a healthy lifespan. In my opinion, the fact that you have chosen to study this book indicates that you certainly deserve it.

Click here to get 100+ LIFESPAN in paperback.

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Also availailable on Amazon global markets.

This is Scientific Futurism  

This Is Scientific Futurism - The goal of scientific futurism is to provide insight into potential future developments in science and technology and help individuals and organizations prepare for the changes. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws on a wide range of scientific and social sciences.is a term used to describe the practice of forecasting and predicting the future of science and technology based on current scientific understanding and research. It  (CRP-SF1)

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Big Up Manhood  

Big Up Manhood - Our backs were pressed against the wall. Our dilemma spiraled downward until it became an existential matter. That is when the Lions returned and engaged in the battle. We had no choice but to win! We rose to recapture our Pride from the hyenas that too long had assaulted our families.We call the Big Up Manhood forward to be the tip of the spear and to lead the masses toward resilience, a common dedication to our future, to defend our gains, and prevent further assaults on our collective destiny. Nothing less than complete victory will satisfy this call to history. eBook $6.99 (CRP-BUM-1)

Click here to get Big Up Manhood in paperback

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From Pen to Power  

FROM PEN TO POWER: 90 Days to Write and Publish Your Book - For four decades, I have strived to raise my potential to inform, inspire, and excite my audiences toward their greater potential using the concept that the right combination of words will manifest good in the world. Over this time, I have learned to speak with authority as I continue to write with power. I used these instructions to publish four quality books in less than 90 days! (CRP-P2P1)

Top Reasons to Get Your Book Published As Soon As possible include:
ꟷ You’ve planned to write for years and need to get to completion ASAP.
ꟷ The expertise that you’ve mastered needs to be consolidated and expanded.
ꟷ Your ideas have the highest need for acceptance and credibility.
ꟷ Gaining passive income is important to your wealth-building strategies.
ꟷ This is a great way to improve your public speaking profile and skills set.

To get From Pen to Power in paperback click this link

Click here to get the discounted eBook from PayLoadz

Also available at Amazon and their global markets

Get the paperback from Amazon.co.uk

AI Has a God Complex  

A.I. HAS A GOD COMPLEX: Message in a Bottle - Resistance is not futile. The lure of convenience must be tempered with caution, as the cost of surrendering control to machines is the gradual loss of human autonomy. As AI becomes more sophisticated and ubiquitous, it is critical to examine the potential impact on society and humanity. The power of collective action and critical thinking is essential to preserving the fundamental human values that make us who we are. Let us embrace the challenge of forging a path forward that balances the benefits of technology with the wisdom of the past. (BSM-AIGC-1)

Click here to purchase A.I. HAS A GOD COMPLEX in paperback

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Also available at Amazon and their global markets

Get the paperback from Amazon.co.uk

FuriouslLiving Superfood Recipes V3 Vegan  

LIVING SUPERFOOD RECIPES VOL. 3 - Let the Healing Begin (LSF-Vol3) - You alone are responsible for the food choices that impact your health. You have heard enough verifiable information throughout life to know that some foods are healthier than others. Because of intensive study, you are now going deeper into practicing optimized nutrition, lifestyle modification, and wellness disciplines. I encourage you to continue to research these subjects until you are 100% confident of the validity that this Living Superfood nutritional lifestyle is undeniably the best way to nourish your healthy lifespan.

Discipline yourself to shop for healthy foods, prepare the kitchen with the right tools, learn to use exciting combinations of herbs and spices, make time throughout the week to focus on food prep, establish a creative and adventurous culinary artistry, and strive for a wide variety of dishes.

Learn to eat the colors.  Colorful foods, which are generally fruits and vegetables, contain many of the vitamins and antioxidants we need – with fewer calories. Along with maintaining good health, the nutrients in vegetables and fruits work together to protect against cancer, heart disease, vision loss, hypertension, and other diseases.

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Available at Amazon.com

Furiously Vegan book  

Just completed...

FURIOUSLY VEGAN: 21 Steps to Restore Your Youthful Vitality - Your life is special; you are awesome and unique. Yet all these strategies and actions that I share herein are universal and should be of measurable benefit to everyone who adopts them as empowering goals. Turning them into habits will extend these rewards for an extended lifespan because of the specificity of what we enculturate. In time you will grow stronger with all the benefits this lifestyle will provide. Your “awesome and unique” life rises to a heightened level of accomplishment.

Nothing should prevent us from manifesting change and transformation for ourselves, our family, our community, and the larger society. These 21 Steps to Restore Youthful Vitality contribute to creating the holistic life experience that is your right from birth. Although most people will not master these steps, that is no obstacle to you and me achieving the best possible outcome. (CRP-FV01)

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Paradigm Shift Book

PARADIGM SHIFT: The Next Empowering Pathway for Afri-Amer Development - I am a scientific futurist. Thus, when I talk about this sense of urgency, I am not engaging in hyperbole or perpetuating inconsequential criticism of these times. We now exist within a state of emergency, of which we have received so many past warnings, the state of which was largely undeclared. For Africans living anywhere in the world, every aspect of our group's survival is essentially challenged. Our failure to address these challenges is proving to be a fatal flaw. We are at a critical crossroads. Is it too late for us to save ourselves from an unimaginable fate? This book is a call to action! (CRP-PS-1) Click this link for an autographed paperback.

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Fade to Black

FADE TO BLACK: The Passing of a Great Race - According to the detailed research contained in this book, African Americans have only about 45 years before we disappear from view as a viable group within the U.S. Across so many key areas of group integrity, we have been failing. Our population numbers have hit a brick wall and will beging dropping very rapidly in the decades ahead.

At a time of rapid change, the best-informed competitor has the most significant advantage. As a social, ethnic, or racial group, WE, Africans born anywhere in the world, have an absolute right to exist as a group. As individuals within the larger body, members of this group have obligations to do that which is within our abilities to assure that our race survives and thrives. We act today to preserve life, liberty, health, wealth, and sustainable prosperity for the next twenty generations to follow ours.

Use this button to add the print edition to your shopping cart for $17.99. (CRP-F2B2020)

Click here for the eBook at $9.99.

Click here to purchase the Kindle edition for $7.99.

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the UK, EU

Soul Food  

TRANSFORMING SOUL FOOD: For the Body, Mind & Spirit - Chewicide is a raging epidemic within the U.S. and the standard African American diet, so-called “SOUL FOOD,” is the epitome of deadly cuisine. Ethnic food has a long legacy within the black population with deep ties to other Diaspora cultures, and our African roots. Nearly all of the chronic diseases that we confront today are the consequence of consuming greasy, salty, sugary and denatured foods that are contaminated with a spectrum of industrial chemicals. The health of our people should be of grave concern. Thus we focus our attention on transforming Soul Food and its ingredients. Hopefully, everyone who reads this book will chart a course towards a future within which our families are not burdened by Chewicide. (CRPV8N1-2021)

Get the paperback for $11.99

Click here for the eBook at $7.99.

Click here to purchase the Kindle edition for $7.99.

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the UK, EU


THE TECHNOLOGY OF CONTROL: Surviving the Future We Feared - According to a vast accumulation of disclosures, cold from newspaper articles, technical journals, government leaks, military hardware advertisements, essays obtained from the Internet, and much work shared among fellow researchers, we can expect an intense development of high and low technologies as instruments of subversionand destruction. These only further fuel our anxieties.

It has long been the tradition of western “civilization” as it slashed and burned its way through the foundations of indigenous cultures around the globe to utilize the latest technological innovations toward destructive and coercive aims. Tools and amusements from more peaceful cultures, such as gunpowder and the “firing stick,” have traditionally served northern Barbarians as instruments for subordination – technology of control. (CRP-TOC2)

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Available from Amazon in Kindle and print.

Also available at major online booksellers and Amazon global markets.

You can order any of the following books by mail order. Include payment for the print book price, along with $6 for postage and handling. Make your check payable to Black Star Media, and address it to Black Star Media, 2504 Ocean Front Dr., Las Vegas NV 89128

The Blackest SoilTHE BLACKEST SOIL: Africa Can Feed the World (A Scientific Roadmap to Agricultural Preeminence for the 21st Century) - There is a new narrative we call “Africa Rising,” which is rapidly transforming the continent, unleashing a pathway toward sustainable development that will astound the world over the coming 45 years. It has been widely forecast that African agricultural economics will triple between 2015 and 2030, reaching an annual value of $1 trillion in economic activity. The expansion of new technologies, innovation, demographics, and other transforming factors will create dramatic changes in Sub-Saharan nations' rise toward middle-class status. With optimal policies and practices, Africa's arable soils can supply 2000 calories daily of organically-produced food to feed 12.9 billion people.

"I would like to see this book chosen as book of the year...if not the decade...if not the century." - Ali Ansaar

Click here to order the PRINT edition for $14.99. (CRP-BS-2020P)

Click here to purchase the ebook for $9.99 (CRP-BS-2020-eBook)

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PanicPANIC: What the Coronavirus Pandemic Tells Us About the State of the World - In the light of historical review, decades from today future generations will need to know that there was dissent against this story of the CoVID-19 pandemic. I am proud to be one of the few voices dissenting against the distortion of science which has characterized the coronavirus infection. Let us allow data-backed, scientific evidence to have its say, unfiltered by self-interested propagandists that are exploiting the public’s incomprehension of scientific matters. You can declare yourself free from this infectious virus panic and hysteria. I'm doing my best to teach as many as who would receive that which I have learned, am studying every day, and that which illuminates a clear pathway to a thriving, sustainable future. (CRP-PAN-P)

Click the following link for the 2020 update print edition $14.99

Here is the link to purchase the print version.

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Click here for Kindle eBook from Amazon

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the EU

Furiously VeganFURIOUSLY VEGAN: 21 Steps to Restore Your Youthful Vitality - Your life is special; you are awesome and unique. Yet all these strategies and actions that I share herein are universal and should be of measurable benefit to everyone who adopts them as empowering goals. Turning them into habits will extend these rewards for an extended lifespan because of the specificity of what we enculturate. In time you will grow stronger with all the benefits this lifestyle will provide. Your “awesome and unique” life rises to a heightened level of accomplishment.

Nothing should prevent us from manifesting change and transformation for ourselves, our family, our community, and the larger society. These 21 Steps to Restore Youthful Vitality contribute to creating the holistic life experience that is your right from birth. Although most people will not master these steps, that is no obstacle to you and me achieving the best possible outcome. (CRP-FV01)

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Mau Mau BookMAU MAU : Kenya's Land and Freedom Struggle - In the East African nation of Kenya, the most heated struggle for control of the land and political independence is today known as the Mau Mau uprising. Amongst former colonials and their allies who are familiar with the uprising, the term "Mau Mau" rouses profound fears. Among Black Nationalists and African-centered historians, the same term elicits a proud and emboldening badge of African honor. Yet, the Land and Freedom Struggle is largely unknown to a vast majority of black people. (CRPMM-2021) Get the paperback for $11.99

Click here for the eBook at $7.99.

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Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the UK, EU


Industrial Hemp BookIndustrial Hemp Uses and Opportunities - There is a long record of use of industrial hemp in American and World history. From ancient roots in Egypt and China, to the founding of the United States of America, we have found a long history of industrial hemp applications. Some of the most significant developments in history have had access to hemp products at their core. Yet, there came an era of political intervention where well-crafted anti-marijuana propaganda blurred the distinction between hemp for industry and the psycho-active component in marijuana. All cannabis was demonized by powerful industrial barons with financial self-interest in blocking expanded use of legal hemp. Currently, because of a triple-benefit to society in economics, nutrition and sustainable development, we are witnessing the crumbling of hemp prohibition. (CRP-IH2019-Hemp-Print)

Click here to get the book in print for $11.99. (CRP-Hemp-Print)

Click here to get Industrial Hemp Uses and Opportunities Ebook for $9.99

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Living Super In Paradise BookLiving Super in Paradise - In Living Super in Paradise, balance and harmony, within the flow of energy which courses throughout Life, are the primary goals around which we construct our pathways toward destiny. We are creators, innovators, and alchemists. We envision ourselves as propagators of a new Golden Age within which we desire to thrive and generously share with all who are worthy of loving and being loved. As I introduce this body of work to you, it is my hope that you will be inspired to bring your greatest work forward as a gift to humanity. Creating this space for optimal health within our lives is a deliberate process – it will not be happenstance and does require our sustained focus on specific goals. Let’s get ready to change the world. Let’s thoroughly enjoy every step of this magnificent journey.

Click here to get the book in print for $14.99. (CRP-LSIP1)

Click here to get the Living Super in Paradise Ebook for $9.99

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Living Superfood Recipes Vol 2Living Superfood Recipes Vol 2: My latest collection of raw, vegan and superfood recipes is guaranteed to be a big hit with your friends, families and fellow vegans. In the seven years since converting to this lifestyle and releasing Recipes Vol 1, I've come to really master this specific culinary artistry as well as perfect my system of disease prevention and clinical nutrition. These recipes include juicing, smoothies, snacks & appetizers, entrees, side dishes, breads, dressings & condiments, and incredibly tasty desserts as well. I can't wait to hear your reaction to this new collection. As much now as ever before: Food is Nature's most PERFECT medicine!

Click here to order the print version ($19.99 plus $4 P&H)

The Ebook is priced at $13.50 (LSF-Rec2-Ebook) Add to cart

Click here for the Kindle ebook from Amazon.com

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FutureNomic$ BookFUTURENOMIC$: Positioning Your Enterprise to Win in the New Global Economy - As promised, this is the latest book on global economics from the author of the Conscious Rasta Report. Keidi Awadu is a futurist who has developed a spectrum of expertises in scientific disciplines. In combining future studies with economics, we've created a system of predicting major trends that will disrupt social, political, and economic patterns for the next 35 years and beyond. Your business enterprise can be beneficiary of these future pathways by being aware in advance of how the global economy is changing and will embrace new business models as it also pushes old models out of viability. Old powers are declining, to be replaced by new enterprises who are able to seize momentum by being on the cutting edge of the global innovation and creative frontier. This is where we want to be as individuals and, better yet, as organized groups. The future belongs to those who are best prepared to create it today. Armed with the state-of-the-art data, analysis and futurist predictions within this book, you should remain on the frontier of the new global economy. Get the book in paperback or discounted as an e book. (CRP-FutNom-1)

Get FUTURENOMIC$ in paperback (CRP-FutNom-Pr1) for $17.99

Click here to get the FutureNomic$ EBook for $10.99

Click here for the Kindle ebook from Amazon.com

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the UK, EU


CRP-LS2MLIVING SUPERFOOD RESEARCH - Don't Get Sick, Stay Off Drugs, and Live a Long Time (PDF) - This long-awaited followup to Living Superfood Recipes goes a long way toward explaining many of the avenues by which there has arisen this amazingly healthy nutritional style based upon themes of raw, "Living food", vegan, organic superfoods as an optimal dietary lifestyle. For so long we have passionately prayed for healing miracles. This book represents the answer to these prayers. We strive to show serious, science-based explanations of how the body works as a machine designed to repair and maintain itself. Chronic disease is a consequence of things being out of order. Now you have the information to get things back in their proper order and avoid illness, Thus you can expect to avoid drugs and live a long, vital life expectancy. (View the back cover for more details) CRP-SF2- Print version is $19.99 (add $4 for shipping and handling). Ships with bonus DVD. (View the back cover for more details)

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The Repairing Book CoverThe Repairing -Within this master blueprint for current and future Reparation, we can assure that our prosperity will expand without limitation. We can create more balanced and harmonic relations within family and community, help our people overcome habits which have led too many of us into chronic poverty, illness and injustice. This plan will further our sense of pride and direct investment in the economic fate of our African homeland, causing Pan African engagement to increase immensely. We will gift all black children with a future society will more prosperous than that into which they were born. This is my lifetime tour-de-force. Now we can say with pride, we do have a great plan and it will work.

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Click here to download The Repairing E-Book PDF - $10.99 CRP-RPR1-EBK

Click here for the Knindle ebook from Amazon.com

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the EU



Living Superfood Recipes Vol 1Living Superfood Recipes - This is the much-talked-about and long anticipated collection of 110 of the greatest living food recipes from the creative talenst of Chef Keidi. These dishes contain a full spectrum of healing nutrients intended to jumpstart your body's healing and restoration processes. Based solidly on the principle of Orthomolecular Medicine, this food creates amazing changes within the body's own healing and restorative systems. Medicine  never tasted like this before! CRP-SF1

Print version ($17 plus $4.99 P&H)

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Click here for Living Superfood Recipes from Amazon.com


road to powerThe Road to Power: Seven Steps to an African Global Order - This classic research by Keidi Obi Awadu lays out a comprehensive plan to create a dynamic global movement to empower African people. Much background is shared to demonstrate a proper foundation for our construction. The plans are detailed, timely and technically savvy. The outlook is optimistic and realistically self critical. This is a Master Plan that has proven to embolden and empower all who would commit to carrying out such strategies.- CRP-EB18
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($10.00 eBook in PDF)

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Print version ($14.99 plus $4.99 P&H)


Get the Weight OffGET THE WEIGHTOFF: 30 Days to a New You / Conscious Rasta Report V7N1 - If you are overweight, settling for the symptoms of premature aging, fatigue, lacking a feeling of well-being, or somehow thinking that you are ashamed of yourself in some manner, then you may want to consider that it’s time for a New Life Paradigm.” You just may be due to be born again” in some fashion of mind, body and spirit or all of these. This report is written with the specific intention to correct a number of issues within the body which have created a chaotic state upon which disorder produces disease, which is evident with specific symptoms. CRP2012 V7N1 (View the back page text). / Get the print version $13.50 (P&H included) using the this link

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Epidemic 2020EPIDEMIC: The Rise of New Childhood Diseases in the United States 2020 update- A Manmade Disaster: Within this edition of the Report, I cite numerous publsihed accounts, news articles, books, magazines and personal experience which all document the shocking origins of new (manmade) plagues within American children.This is also the most comprehensive analysis of problems with vaccination that I have published. What is in a vaccine that would compel so many families to avoid this process for their children and adults? (CRP Vol 4 No 1)

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The New Scramble for AfricaTHE NEW SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA 2020 Update - HARAMBEE, means: "Let's all pull together." - As amazing as it seems even to me, this is the 28th book I've managed to complete. This volume is presented as the second in the series centered upon futurist projections for Pan African economic development and infrastructure creation. I hope you are as motivated as I am about the theme of Africa Rising. It is real and it will be the most profound change in global wealth and empowerment to occur in many centuries. Let's all Rise together. This book promises to completely change your attitude about the great new opportunities ahead for those who truly want to see Africa rise to its's greatest potential in the coming decades.

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Click here for the eBook instant download edition $4.99.

Click here for Kindle eBook from Amazon.

Click here for print and Kindle from Amazon in the EU.


OutrageOUTRAGE: How Babies Were Used as Guinea Pigs in a L.A. County Vaccine Experiment, eBook by Keidi Awadu - From 1989 to 1991, Kaiser Permanente along the Los Angeles County Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), injected nearly 600 "mostly minority" babies with unlicensed experimental vaccines without legal consent from the babies' parents. One of the vaccines used, Edmonston-Zagreb, had already obtained a notorious reputation overseas for killing almost one out of every 13 babies in closely controlled studies in the Third World. This updated edition contains two new chapters that explore the controversies of the current push for mass injections with experimental gene therapies. (CRP-Vol3No6)

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Click here to access the book in the United Kingdom £8.66


kujiVillagesKUJICHAGULIA VILLAGES: A Practical Plan for Self-Determination - By Keidi Awadu / This edition of the long-running cutting edge research series explores the many ways in which African people within the U.S. and other Diaspora cities are failing to secure a spectrum of critical needs for sustainability: clean water, wholesome food, sustainable economics, secuirty, education and optimal health. After careful and thorough examination of the problems we herein present a broad set of practical solutions. We have been blessed as a people with many valuable talents and resources. Yet, mismanagement of our resources has put our group at an historical peril. Through the construction of these culturally based agri-economies, we can restore a sense of Self-Determination to the mass of our people. CRPV7N2, $10.00

Click here for the print edition of Kujichagulia Villages

Click here for the discounted eBook edition of Kujichagula Villages

Click here for the Kindle ebook from Amazon.com

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the EU


Africa Rising
AFRICA RISING: Dawn is Breaking Over Africa (print, eBook, Kindle) - Sunrise is a wonderful time of day, full of possibilities as we awake refreshed, rejuvenated and excited about the things that we are determined to accomplish.  We prepare for this to be a great day, refresh our bodies, put on our best face and step out into the world.  The air is alive and sparkling with the sound of an orchestra of songbirds celebrating this sunrise and the many opportunities that the dawning of this new day heralds.  The Sun Rises in the East and for a growing number of capital investors around the world the most exciting light rising in the world today is Africa. This is the future for our global family that we have prayed for for generations. Claim it now! - CRP-V8N2

Click here for the print edition of Africa Rising

Click here for the discounted eBook edition of Africa Rising

Now available from Amazon Kindle edition for a discount.

Click here for the print edition from Amazon in the EU


Rap, Hip Hop & the New World Order
Rap, Hip-Hop & the New World Order (2020 Update) - The central theme of this report is that hostile external forces planned the chaos that is occurring within the hip hop generation and that it will be the task of creative youth to come up with a set of solutions. Every successful culture throughout history creates a transfer of power from the old to the young with each generation. "Civil rights leaders," who seek to cling to power and mis-lead the community with outdated strategies from earlier times, be prepared to be stepped over. Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." It's time for a change. New ideas lead to new actions and that should lead a new set of results. These new ideas can also be expected to emerge from creative youth. Click this link for the the print version. ($10 plus $4.00 P&H) (CRPV4N3-2020)

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MISSING ASSETS: Cultural, Psychological and Biological Origins of Infertility - With little doubt, the subject of population control, human resources management, is the single greatest issue facing the world today. Reducing the world's population has virtually become a religion to powerful agencies within the Western security establishments and the network that supports them. A relatively small number of individuals conduct their genocidal planning and instigate their agenda with relative obscurity. Many of them are visible to the public and their works are available for scrutiny but tl1e first part of their operations is to set up a mindset in their victims to ignore such actions. For most victims of this conspiracy, we have voluntarily bought into certain methods of reducing our procreation
. (CRP Vol 4 No 5)

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Population WarNewly Updated Jan 2022:
POPULATION WAR: Report from the Frontline - Where will we as individuals fit ourselves into a changing world? Will we be crushed by a machine which has been engineered to restrict the numbers of children entering the 21st Century? Or will we anticipate these changes, make the appropriate adjustments and project ourselves into a world where population shifts will make new superpowers out of nations that were once subservient and decrease the status and influence of today's mightiest countries? The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. The future will also belong to those who bear generations that will continue and build upon their legacy. All babies are precious. (CRP-PW2022)

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  Moving Beyond Race-IsmMOVING BEYOND RACE-ISM: New Strategies for a New Millennium - Vaguely defined frontlines characterize one "racial group" from another based upon an inconsistent range of variables, including skin pigmentation, physiological features, the geography of birth, and religion despite the fact that, even within each “racial group,” such measurements differ widely. Along the fault lines separating one group from another, within each race camp individuals and organizations stand ever vigilant, hoisting the banner of racial pride as a rallying cry, all the while insisting upon their self-anointed "sanctimonious" leadership.I propose that we consider that adherence to a central theme of racial identity has become limiting and too often a limit to rational thought. We can shift to the significance of culture as a unifying force. I have become convinced that it is culture and not race that is the more practical unifying force for the future. Culture is only partially determined by “racial identity,” and that is an inconsistent variable.Newly updated for 2020. (CRP V4N2)

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Food Is for Life! FOOD: Is for Life! - Newly republished, the original research has held up amazingly well. Learn more about how our nutrition can cause or prevent disease, prevent cancer and heart disease, how food is increasingly being used as a strategic weapon in a global population war, how you can grow your own homegrown organic vegetables to feed your family, and a long host of science-based research that gives you ground to move from unconscious eating toward a new reality. Move away from "chewicide" to eating the Culture of Life. (CRPV3N5-2020)

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  Conspiracies and High CrimesCONSPIRACIES AND HIGH CRIMES - In this report, I examine a few of the greatest conspiracies of our time. Our analysis of conspiratorial behavior should lead us to resist and do a little plotting of our own. Are secret societies and government agencies quietly manipulating circumstances behind the scenes and damaging the self-interests of those not involved in the plotting? Damn right these conspiracies are real: Are Blacks More Susceptible to Conspiracy Theories? If we are concerned about the world's most impactful news, we need to plan for resistance. It is wise to defend your self-interests against evil manipulation. (CRP-CHC2021)

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Mind ControlMIND CONTROL - Social engineers have determined that certain types of communication are very persuasive. A well-researched set of rules for propaganda and psychological warfare has emerged. Eventually, those who apply these techniques "literally overwhelm an audience, forcing them, over a period of time, to accept a point of view that they would otherwise regect." This result can be positive or negative. Once we understand the principles of mind control we construct psychological shields and cancel out or exclude attempts to manipulate us through our "hidden fears, desires and anxieties." Ultimately, you must devise a stragegy by which to achieve your destiny. It is my intention, through thorough analysis of the behavioral sciences, to alert you to the methods which skilled programmers apply toward mind control. Critical analysis yields critical thinking. (CRPV3N4)

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PrisonsPRISONS: The Lockdown of Black (America's Future) As many as 60 million Africans living in America stand on the precipice of a future in which they end up irrelevant in policy decisions, handicapped by poverty, rigidly managed as a collective group, propagandized against as the scourge of the planet, and locked in jail at the highest rate of any group in the world. This extensive 1996 study documents this descent into criminality and injustice as it also points to specific pathways to reverse this degeneration and create a hopeful future for our youth.
Thank you for showing interest in this controversial and futuristic analysis. Now, we have 24 years of hindsight to see that this research was accurate. Can we take responsibility for changing our destiny? (CRPV3N8)

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HighCrimes2016HIGH CRIMES OF MURDER, by Keidi Awadu - The six separate analysis which make up this Conscious Rasta Report go deep into the hidden history of attempts to alter the course of history. We examine 1) the discovery of a virtual blueprint for genocide against Blacks in the U.S.; 2) the behind-the-scenes maneuvering which resulted in the murder of Martin L. King Jr.; 3) how abortion has become a technique for managing "Negro population policy"; 4) exposing the unholy alliances of certain conspiracy writers; 5) why the CIA tried to destroy reggae music; and 6) how "death by doctor" has become the leading risk for early death in the U.S. Be prepared to be shocked and surprised, driven to anger and outrage. We have the capacity of derailing this carefully executed agenda for mass murder...IF we have sufficient desire to survive. Newly reprinted copy for $11.99 plus $4 shipping. (CRP Vol 6 No 1)

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Living Superfood LongevityLIVING SUPERFOOD LONGEVITY: Master the Possibilities of High Quality Life Extension - Why do we age? What are the primary controllable factors that can allow us to not only live much longer, but to also enjoy healthy and vital maturation during our senior years? These and so many other questions are answered within this book. This represents a lifetime commitment of not only accessing cutting edge research science on health, nutrition, detoxification and other longevity strategies, but this also shows how our longevity is the most natural state of human evolution. Yet, not all people are moving in this direction and the consequences of so many poor choices is sending too many of us to the grave prematurely. We are really proud of the tremendous work that went into this book. You can take this science to practical application toward high quality life extension.  (CRP-LSL1)

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100+ Lifespan 100+ LIFESPAN: Strategies to Increase Healthy Life Expectancy - This subject has been a fascinating study over the four decades since I worked in a biosciences laboratory. Within this book, I have assembled the most comprehensive list ever published of longevity insights and strategies. I hope many people will take these easily-comprehensible suggestions to heart and use these insights to form new lifelong habits. This change will transform our lives and impact our larger circle of loved ones who need us to be models of graceful aging. (CRP100-Plus) I often say, "Old habits die hard, but new habits form quickly." Healthy longevity is good for the wise and vital sage, their family and friends, community, and practical life affairs. This journey begins when you convince yourself that you deserve to manifest 100+ years of a healthy lifespan. In my opinion, the fact that you have chosen to study this book indicates that you certainly deserve it.

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Living Superfood LIFE LIVING SUPERFOOD LIFE: To Da Maaax! - We have laid out many insights and powerful ideas throughout this book. This Living Superfood lifestyle and nutrition regimen represents a paradigm shift in the life of the individual that will master these instructions and protocols. We are living in a very important era in the evolution of our civilization. To counter degenerating health, we are best to set and achieve our wellness goals with all determination. The future belongs to those best prepared to create that future today. (LSLife-1) $24.99 We have often heard it stated that “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” To counter that we are firm to set our goals and achieve our goals with all determination. A statement that I frequently use is: “The future belongs to those best prepared to create that future today.” It’s true that Food is Nature’s Most Perfect Medicine. Take that one to the bank!

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Fade to Black FADE TO BLACK: The Passing of a Great Race - According to the detailed research contained in this book, African Americans have only about 45 years before we disappear from view as a viable group within the U.S. Across so many key areas of group integrity, we have been failing. Our population numbers have hit a brick wall and will beging dropping very rapidly in the decades ahead. At a time of rapid change, the best-informed competitor has the most significant advantage. As a social, ethnic, or racial group, WE, Africans born anywhere in the world, have an absolute right to exist as a group. As individuals within the larger body, members of this group have obligations to do that which is within our abilities to assure that our race survives and thrives. We act today to preserve life, liberty, health, wealth, and sustainable prosperity for the next twenty generations to follow ours. Use this button to add the print edition to your shopping cart for $17.99. (CRP-F2B2020) Click here to get an autographed paperback.

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Paradigm Shift
PARADIGM SHIFT: The Next Empowering Pathway for Afri-Amer Development - I am a scientific futurist. Thus, when I talk about this sense of urgency, I am not engaging in hyperbole or perpetuating inconsequential criticism of these times. We now exist within a state of emergency, of which we have received so many past warnings, the state of which was largely undeclared. For Africans living anywhere in the world, every aspect of our group's survival is essentially challenged. Our failure to address these challenges is proving to be a fatal flaw. We are at a critical crossroads. Is it too late for us to save ourselves from an unimaginable fate? This book is a call to action! (CRP-PS-1) Click here to get an autographed paperback.

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From Pen to Power FROM PEN TO POWER: 90 Days to Write and Publish Your Book - For four decades, I have strived to raise my potential to inform, inspire, and excite my audiences toward their greater potential using the concept that the right combination of words will manifest good in the world. Over this time, I have learned to speak with authority as I continue to write with power. I used these instructions to publish four quality books in less than 90 days! (CRP-P2P1)

Top Reasons to Get Your Book Published As Soon As possible include:
ꟷ You’ve planned to write for years and need to get to completion ASAP.
ꟷ The expertise that you’ve mastered needs to be consolidated and expanded.
ꟷ Your ideas have the highest need for acceptance and credibility.
ꟷ Gaining passive income is important to your wealth-building strategies.
ꟷ This is a great way to improve your public speaking profile and skills set.

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Big Up ManhoodBIG UP MANHOOD: Rites-of-Passage Strategies to Reclaim Masculity and Restore Bio Integrity - Our backs were pressed against the wall. Our dilemma spiraled downward until it became an existential matter. That is when the Lions returned and engaged in the battle. We had no choice but to win! We rose to recapture our Pride from the hyenas that too long had assaulted our families.We call the Big Up Manhood forward to be the tip of the spear and to lead the masses toward resilience, a common dedication to our future, to defend our gains, and prevent further assaults on our collective destiny. Nothing less than complete victory will satisfy this call to history. eBook $6.99 (CRP-BUM-1)

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This is Scientific Futurism This Is Scientific Futurism - The goal of scientific futurism is to provide insight into potential future developments in science and technology and help individuals and organizations prepare for the changes. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws on a wide range of scientific and social sciences.is a term used to describe the practice of forecasting and predicting the future of science and technology based on current scientific understanding and research. It (CRP-SF1)

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AI Has a God Complex A.I. HAS A GOD COMPLEX: Message in a Bottle - Resistance is not futile. The lure of convenience must be tempered with caution, as the cost of surrendering control to machines is the gradual loss of human autonomy. As AI becomes more sophisticated and ubiquitous, it is critical to examine the potential impact on society and humanity. The power of collective action and critical thinking is essential to preserving the fundamental human values that make us who we are. Let us embrace the challenge of forging a path forward that balances the benefits of technology with the wisdom of the past. (BSM-AIGC-1)

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Living Superfood Recipes Vol 3 LIVING SUPERFOOD RECIPES VOL. 3 - Let the Healing Begin - You alone are responsible for the food choices that impact your health. You have heard enough verifiable information throughout life to know that some foods are healthier than others. Because of intensive study, you are now going deeper into practicing optimized nutrition, lifestyle modification, and wellness disciplines. I encourage you to continue to research these subjects until you are 100% confident of the validity that this Living Superfood nutritional lifestyle is undeniably the best way to nourish your healthy lifespan. Discipline yourself to shop for healthy foods, prepare the kitchen with the right tools, learn to use exciting combinations of herbs and spices, make time throughout the week to focus on food prep, establish a creative and adventurous culinary artistry, and strive for a wide variety of dishes. (LSF-Vol3)

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Technology of Control THE TECHNOLOGY OF CONTROL: Surviving the Future We Feared - According to a vast accumulation of disclosures, cold from newspaper articles, technical journals, government leaks, military hardware advertisements, essays obtained from the Internet, and much work shared among fellow researchers, we can expect an intense development of high and low technologies as instruments of subversionand destruction. These only further fuel our anxieties. It has long been the tradition of western “civilization” as it slashed and burned its way through the foundations of indigenous cultures around the globe to utilize the latest technological innovations toward destructive and coercive aims. Tools and amusements from more peaceful cultures, such as gunpowder and the “firing stick,” have traditionally served northern Barbarians as instruments for subordination – technology of control. (CRP-TOC2)

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Conscious Rasta Perspectives 90-91CONSCIOUS RASTA PERSPECTIVES 90-91: Culture, Conflict, and Conscious Transformation for an Era of Remarkable Change - It is now thirty years since I began writing and publishing these essays included in this anthology of The Conscious Rasta Perspectives 90-91. I have just rediscovered these 29 essays in the summer of 2020. This book serves as a literary time capsule, allowing me access to revealing insights into my life and times more than a quarter of a century ago. Ten years after these essays were written, I had published 21 books, an almost impossible feat. Within the ideas expressed in these Conscious Rasta perspectives, I hope that you can bear witness to the forces happening in the world, and my interpretation of these powerful winds of change. (CRP-9091)

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Transforming Soul FoodTRANSFORMING SOUL FOOD: For the Body, Mind & Spirit - Chewicide is a raging epidemic within the U.S. and the standard African American diet, so-called “SOUL FOOD,” is the epitome of deadly cuisine. Ethnic food has a long legacy within the black population with deep ties to other Diaspora cultures, and our African roots. Nearly all of the chronic diseases that we confront today are the consequence of consuming greasy, salty, sugary and denatured foods that are contaminated with a spectrum of industrial chemicals. The health of our people should be of grave concern. Thus we focus our attention on transforming Soul Food and its ingredients. Hopefully, everyone who reads this book will chart a course towards a future within which our families are not burdened by Chewicide. (CRPV8N1-2021)

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Busted front"...No one has proven that AIDS is caused by the AIDS virus. And it is absolutely correct that the virus cultured in the laboratory may not be the cause of AIDS... I would not be surprised if there were another cause of AIDS and even that HIV is not involved."
Dr. Walter Gilbert, Nobel Prize for chemistry 1980 & professor of molecular biology at Harvard

Some of the world's most prominent scientists have long been critical of the AIDS hoax. Such skepticism has been well-founded. Critical questions must be asked and satisfactory answers given! $6.99 (CRP-CRP-GAS2022-ebook)

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Busted frontBUSTED: The Latex Condom Conspiracy 2022 - This research exposes latex, talc, spermicides, and other contaminants with irrefutable evidence that condoms are particularly troublesome contraceptives. If the latex condom is indeed causing cancer, reproductive disorders, and infertility, who is at greatest risk of injury? The truth is that condom madness has created a huge epidemic of fertility problems and stolen possibilities. The stakes, in this case, are so very high. For me, this task of busting the latex condom conspiracy has become a sacred mission. Getting beyond specific attacks such as the latex condom should be easy stuff once we realize these dangers and begin to advertise the problems and solutions; there is one readily-available safe prophylactic. (CRP-BU2022)

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Food is Nature's Perfect MedicineFood is Nature's Most Perfect Medicine DVD - How do we get off the treadmill of increasingly dangerous dietary practices, constant failure with weight management strategies, mounting costs of healthcare and the proliferation of many “new diseases”, many of which were almost non-existent a couple of generations ago? The best solution is not another weight-loss program, fad diet, prescription drug or invasive medical procedure like gastric surgery – The best solution is to live smart, eat smart and engage in the simple disciplines of a healthy lifestyle. This new DVD by Chef Keidi Awadu takes the idea of food as medicine to a new level of detailed researh and closes the gap as to just how important to the advance of ethnopharmacology of food as it was rooted in ancient African culture and medicine. DVD running length 103 minutes. $11.99 & $4 P&H (LIBDVD 235)

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  SF_SDEATH BY DOCTOR: Terrorism Hidden In Plain Sight DVD - This presentation in the summer of 2016 was presented before the community development group Reality Speaks. In it we lay out extensive and well-documented evidence that our greater danger of being killed anually in the U.S. is not from police homicides but from bad medicine (iatrogenics). For every black person killed by killer cops, 425 will die from Death By Doctor; for all Americans this ratio is 975 to 1 in 2016. Using a broad set of reference sources we point out the mortality from a number of sources, including: medical errors in both hospitals and outpatient clinics; adverse drug reactions; hospital acquired infections; antibiotic resistant superbugs; unnecessary procedures; malnutrition; bedsores (pressure ulcers) and more. We add all of these figures together and realize that BY FAR, iatrogenic death is the leading cause of early death in America. We also give the solutions to avoiding being another of the over a million annual victims of this "healthcare" system gone mad. This workshop is so important that I've discounted the DVD to only $10 plus P&H (LIBDVD 231)

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